Child Size or Small Wrist Magic Bands

We received our Magic Bands in the mail today. Woot, woot!! Warm weather and Disney World, here we come!! Needless to say, the kids were super excited and wanted to try them on immediately. Following the directions provided, Cory pulled away the grey section of Jacob’s bracelet to make it “child size”.  Little did he know the melt-down that would ensue… As far as Jacob was concerned, Cory just stripped away all the band’s magic… First off, Jacob said he wanted the grey border back on (which is not possible). But what seemed to bother him most, is that after you pull the grey section away, it leaves a frayed rubber edge that is visually less appealing. With tears in his eyes, Jacob asked me to “take off” the frayed edges. Normally I would shrug this off as a dramatic toddler episode but, Disney World is supposed to be a “place where dreams come true”, right? So I did my best to trim the frayed sections off with a pair of scissors. After a smoother edge and some convincing from Dad, we were able to sell Jacob on his new modified Magic Band.

Kid Size Magic Band Frayed Edge

Still a little frayed, but MUCH better than the initial appearance after peeling the grey away.

To avoid a melt down from Evan and Avery (who said they wanted to leave their grey border on), and to adjust my Magic Band for my small wrist – I came up with an alternative way to adjust the Magic Bands: Simply trim off the excess grey strapping with scissors (see Orange Magic Band below).

Kid Size or Small Wrist Magic Bands 2

  • Original Magic Band (blue) on the left.
  • Evan’s Magic Band (orange) in the middle, showing if you simply trim off the excess strapping, while leaving the grey border on.
  • Jacob’s Magic Band  (red) on the right, showing Disney’s recommended way to peel off the grey edging.

In my opinion, simply cutting off the excess strap while leaving the grey edging on, looks WAY better. Comparing the two, I’m honestly surprised it’s even a recommendation to rip away the grey edging… Either way, figured I’d share so that any other Disney World travelers can see both options and choose whichever they like best. 🙂

Related post: DIY Disney Autograph Memory Book

Kid Size or Small Wrist Magic Bands